"Today is a good day to try." -- Quasimodo
So I am, my first post Disney world
blog, where has the time gone? In the coming weeks I'll go into
greater detail of planning your vacation, my vacation haul, saving
money while doing Disney, and of course being vegan at Disney etc.
But for now I figured I'd start with the over all trip report to sort
of set up a blue print for everything else.
I lived my dreams November 8-18th
2015. The weather was great the entire trip, 24-30 degrees Celsius
which I am told was unusually high for this time of year, my research
shows its usually more like 15-23 degrees celcius this time of year
so take that into consideration while planning. For us coming from
Canada, where we were also having higher than usual temperatures,
the Orlando weather was still amazing (board line too hot some days).
If you have read my previous blogs you
know what Disney means to me, personally. If you have not I recommend
you go back and read those first, particularly my blog A Dream Is
A Wish Your Heart Makes.
that we're all caught up. On arrival day we (my partner and I )
arrived at the Buffalo airport way too early, but that's the way it
had to be for us to get a pretty much free ride so ce la vie and
let's be realistic here; there was no way I would have slept anyways!
So we hung out there for a few hours, there really didn't seem to be
much there so if your flying out of Buffalo bring some sort of
entertainment regardless of if your traveling with kids or not (we
were not) its still boring. If you are traveling from southern
Ontario I highly recommend flying out of Buffalo over Toronto for a
few reasons, 1. Its usually cheaper, 2. It's considered a domestic
flight and therefore you don't need to be as early and you can bring
food. We flew Southwest Airlines. I really enjoyed Southwest going
to different places I have flown, American Airlines (by far the
worst), Westjet who I enjoyed but they are a bit pricey , Qantas
(definitely the best) and now Southwest. I consider Southwest to be
on par with my experience with Westjet and think they're pretty good.
I will get more into flight stuff in a planning blog though so lets
move on.
arrival day we landed just before 11am putting us a head of schedule.
I then got distracted by the amazing stores that are in the Orlando
airport, which is by far the coolest airport I have been too, and
then had to wait for the Magical Express because we missed the first
one, which put us back to about even for being on schedule. We took
the Magical Express to our resort which was All Star Sports. When we
arrived I was able to walk right up to the counter, no wait because I
used the free online check in which apparently not many people used,
so I highly recommend using that. At check in we got upgraded to a
preferred room which was an awesome bonus. We were in surf bard bay
building and I'll go more into choosing I you should request certain
buildings, again in a planning blog to come.
we checked out our room which was cute while very basic, we headed
straight to the Magic Kingdom! I could not contain myself on the bus,
I was antsy and squirming and more excited than most of the kids I
think. For the first day, especially if its your first time I really
recommend going more relaxed with your plans. Give yourself time to
take everything in and enjoy it, there is a lot of magic to take in
Disney does not miss even the smallest details. When we first arrived
I ran to the gates, and I mean ran. My boyfriend who bless his heart
had, had probably under 5 hours sleep in almost 48 hours could hardly
keep up! When we got in we had gotten back a head of schedule and our
fast pass to meet the mouse himself wasn't for over an hour. Being
sentimental and a perfectionist I did not want to do any rides or
attractions before meeting Mickey, because that would be rude. So we
explored Main Street USA, the shops, and I decided to play the
Sorcerers Of The Magic Kingdom. I learned about the game from the
folks over at Disboards.com and am really glad I did as it was a fun
time filler. After beating around of Sorcerers it was time to meet
Mickey! The new Mickey can talk! This was for me inception level mind
blowing and not only could he speak; but he also spoke SPANISH to the
family in front of us! Mind blown. Mickey was sweet and funny he
welcomed us on our first visit, we also had anniversary pins and
talked about that and I may have cried just a little.
now, as you see I am getting in to much detail for an over all trip
report, Peter Pan did tell me too talk less so I am going to take
that advice and get back on track.
Day 1/ arrival day we did the Magic Kingdom. Day 2 We also did Magic
Kingdom, Day too happened to be my very best friends birthday so that
day was done her way. Day 3 we did Epcot which was one of the last
days for Food & Wine Festival! So stay tuned for that blog! Day 4
was the day for my boyfriend which we spent out of the parks. We
rented a car and drove to Clearwater and from there we went to Tampa
for a hockey game (cause we're Canadian eh) and then back to our
resort. Even though that day wasn't Disney I am going to blog about
it. Day 5 was Hollywood studios. Day 6 we did Animal Kingdom in the
morning and this one I am going to do two blogs on, 1 on why I
decided to visit and 1 regular what to do and what I did etc. Day 7
was the Magic Kingdom also and lastly day 8 which was the day we had
to return t reality we did Disney Springs, formerly known as Downtown
Disney during the day prior to our flight.
all the resort was great, food was mostly great but I will get into

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